Working for NZ's Drilling Industry since 1975


Our Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Federation is the advancement and application of fundamental and practical knowledge pertaining to drilling.

Members attending the first AGM of NZDF

The Federation shall be concerned with all aspects of the drilling industry with the following objectives:

  • To secure co-operation and co-ordination between the various persons involved in the drilling industry within New Zealand
  • To be involved in enhancing the skill and expertise levels within the New Zealand drilling industry
  • To make representations to any person regarding any matter pertaining to the Federation membership
  • To promote public understanding and awareness of drilling issues
  • To encourage interchange of information and experience among members
  • To promote friendly personal relationships between its members
  • To consider and further all matters generally affecting the well-being of the Federation and its membership

Working for NZ's Drilling Industry since 1975


Our Mission Statement
The mission statement of the Federation is the advancement and application of fundamental and practical knowledge pertaining to drilling.

Members attending the first AGM of NZDF

The Federation shall be concerned with all aspects of the drilling industry with the following objectives:

  • To secure co-operation and co-ordination between the various persons involved in the drilling industry within New Zealand
  • To be involved in enhancing the skill and expertise levels within the New Zealand drilling industry
  • To make representations to any person regarding any matter pertaining to the Federation membership
  • To promote public understanding and awareness of drilling issues
  • To encourage interchange of information and experience among members
  • To promote friendly personal relationships between its members
  • To consider and further all matters generally affecting the well-being of the Federation and its membership



NZDF Membership Form


NZDF Operational Rules


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I join the New Zealand Drillers Federation Inc?


What does it cost to join the Federation?

  • Membership subscriptions are on a sliding scale according to number of employees for full members, $500 per annum for associate members, $90 for retired members and $90 for a magazine subscription only. Drilling contractors or operators can only be full members of the Federation.


  1. The New Zealand Drillers Federation Incorporated financial year runs from 1st July to 30th June.
  2. Full, associate and retired members receive copies of Australasian Drilling. The NZDF offers a magazine only subscription of $90 per annum which covers a subscription to the Australasian magazine only.
  3. All membership prices are GST inclusive.

What are the categories of membership to the New Zealand Drillers Federation?

FULL MEMBERSHIP - according to number of employees
  • Full membership is open to any individual, company or organisation associated with drilling who wishes to have full voting rights and be eligible to stand for council.
  • Drilling contractors or operators can only be full members of the Federation.
  • Up to three trade and consultancy members may be elected to council.
  • Those trade suppliers who derive most of their income from the drilling industry are encouraged to become full members.

Associate membership is open to any trade service organisation, consultant, council, or statutory authority who wishes to belong to the federation and receive benefits, whilst being ineligible to vote or stand for council.


Any individual now retired from the industry. Retired members are eligible to vote and stand for council.


The NZDF reserves the right to confer, from time to time, honorary (temporary) or life (permanent) membership to individuals in the industry. Such members are ineligible to stand for council and do not have voting rights unless they choose to subscribe to a full membership.